Please Note - Make sure all online payments are only through the portal. In case it is via offline mode the bank details are given on our site and are in the name of Exclusive Ventures.

Any request made from Mere Riste, Ritu from Matrimony,, or or other websites are fraud. Please be aware!

Choose a Payment Plan
* Premium plan has 100 and Regular Plans have 75 profile views limit per day
All paid members can add thier profile (if they wish) on without any additional payment just by one click.
Personalized Plans
Want to start with free membership *
Free membership is not recommended, as you will be unable to see the contact details of the other candidates, unable to use website features and your profile will have "Unpaid Member" tag.
Need assistance for registration?
Please connect with us
Prefer WhatsApp Chat for Quick Response.
For call we are available between 10am to 8pm.
Incase you are unable to make online payments may choose to pay directly in our account and inform us.
Exclusive Ventures
Khar, Mumbai, India